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Vol 176
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Problems of utilization of the Hutton drilling platform

A. A. Zhestkov1
R. A. Nizamutdinov2
About authors
  • 1 — Onega Research and Production Association
  • 2 — Onega Research and Production Association
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The idea to use the upper structure of the worked off foreign oil platform «Hutton» in construction of the newly built platform «Prirazlomnaya» should significantly abridged the time for its starting oil production. But the life cycle of any offshore construction will inevitably lead to its dismantle utilization, and the project of destruction should be planned in advance. Russian industrial enterprises haven’t any experience of dismantling and dismembering such large metallic structures profitably. Elaboration of needed technologies should be connected with a series of problems; their listing is shown in the paper.

Жестков А.А., Низамутдинов Р.А. Проблемы утилизации буровой платформы «Хаттон» // Записки Горного института. 2008. Т. 176. С. 111-113.
Zhestkov A.A., Nizamutdinov R.A. Problems of utilization of the Hutton drilling platform // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 111-113.
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