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Vol 182
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Development of economic mechanism of stimulation of innovation activity of oil refining complex enterprises

A. A. Shaidenko
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  • Master’s degree student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The paper describes some vital problems of Russian fuel-energy complex. Special attention was paid to the problem of poor oil processing quality in Russia. The resource-innovation approach was examined and the sense of it was shown. Also the main principles of the resource-innovation approach were discussed. The problem of investments lack at the oil processing sphere has been considered. Methods of investments stimulation are proposed. It is concluded that the necessity of investment activity stimulation and strategic and regulative of such activity documents exists in Russian petroleum branch.

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  4. Стенографический отчет о встрече с представителями Российского союза промышленников и предпринимателей 6 февраля 2007 г., Москва: URL (Дата обращения: 15.03.2007).
  5. Центр макроэкономических исследований компании БДО Юникон «Нефтепереработка в России: состояние и перспективы», июнь 2007: URL (Дата обращения: 15.02.2008).

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