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Vol 182
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Experimental studies of the parallel active filter operation modes in the networks of Orenburgneft

Yu. A. Sychev
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  • Postgraduate students G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The industrial test of active filter «Electon FSA» was carried out in field distributive network of JSC «Orenburgneft» TNK-BP with nonlinear load. The structure and operation principle of shunt active filter «Electon FSA-400» is presented. The curve shape registration and magnitude measurements of field network voltage and current were made at different operation mode of nonlinear load and studying active filter. The analysis of experimental data, which had been got from results of industrial test, was made. In the base of experimental data processing and analysis, the effectiveness of shunt active filter application in distributive networks of oil and gas enterprises was proved.

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