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Vol 183
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Morphometry of aggregates and modeling of phase transition kinetics under metamorphism

Yu. L. Gulbin
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  • Ph.D. Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The paper discusses some general relations between the structure of metamorphic rocks and mechanisms of phase reactions. Among these relations is the influence of nucleation and growth of kinetics on the crystal size distribution. A brief overview is made of theoretical models which have been proposed to explain granulometric properties of rocks, and kinetic laws and factors on the metamorphic crystallization are considered by the example of metapelitic garnets, including the phenomenon of avalanche nucleation at finite overheating as well as the growth of porphyroblasts under diffusion-limited conditions. As a result, a new approach to modeling of native granulometric curves is presented.

crystallization garnet grain size distribution kinetics metamorphic aggregate modeling morphometry zoning
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