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Vol 185
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Method of calculation stability of the open pit edges

A. V. Chebakov
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  • Postgraduate student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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During the opencast mining operations with bating and opening-up of new horizons as a result of the process duration in the near-edge rock mass, fatigue accumulates, which leads to slope deformations in the form of slide rocks, rock falls, roof breaks, and, in some cases, large-scale landslides. Given that the open pit edges are complex engineering structures, on the state of which mining operations effectiveness and safety depend, their stability control is a very urgent problem.

stability of the open pit edges displacement deformation
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  1. Методические указания по наблюдениям за деформациями бортов разрезов и отвалов, интерпретации их результатов и прогнозу устойчивости. Л., 1987. 118 с.
  2. Пустовойтова Т.К. Совершенствование методов расчета устойчивости откосов / Т.К.Пустовойтова, А.М.Мочалов, А.Н.Гурин // Сборник научных трудов «70 лет ВНИМИ»; ВНИМИ. СПб, 1999.
  3. Фисенко Г.Л. Устойчивость бортов карьеров и отвалов. М.: Недра, 1965. 378 с.

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