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Vol 188
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Ecologycal and geodynamic safety and problems in industrial ecological monitoring at objects of an oil-gas complex

A. I. Nikonov1
O. V. Luk"yanov2
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  • 1 — OGRI RAS
  • 2 — JSC «SPC «DIEM»
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This article is focused on the influence of modern geodynamics on landscape and its structure. Modern geodynamical processes manifest in anomalous rock deforming in the fault zones. Their natural or technogenic activation causes the appearance of dangerous geological processes. It can be taken into account only by geodynamical monitoring on the objects of oil and gas industry. 

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  4. Кузьмин Ю.О. Изменение рельефа земной поверхности, обусловленные современной геодинамикой разломов / В.В.Кравцов, А.И.Никонов // Мат. Всероссийской конференции «Новые и традиционные идеи в геоморфологии» (5-е Щукинские чтения) 2005. С.45-48.

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