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Vol 188
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Investigation of regularities of rock inrush forming in productive faces of сoal mines

Yu. M. Khalimendik1
A. V. Brui2
M. V. Chemakina3
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor National Mining University
  • 2 — Ph.D. associate professor National Mining University
  • 3 — post-graduate student National Mining University
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The aspect of maintenance of roof stability of active stopes in mines of the Western Donbass is considered in the article. The conclusion is drawn on the probability of coal falls formation during mining operations in disturbed areas. Principal causes of coal fall formation are considered on the bais of natural surveying observations. Connections between technological parameters of longwall and geometrical parameters of disturbance are established.

active stope tectonic disturbance roof stability coal fall
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  2. Разрывные нарушения угольных пластов / И.С.Гарбер, В.Е.Григорьев, Ю.Н.Дупак и др. Л.: Недра, 1979. 190 с.
  3. Халимендик Ю.М. Об изменчивости амплитуды дизъюнктивного нарушения: Сб. науч. тр. ДонГТУ / Ю.М.Халимендик, А.В.Бруй. ДонГТУ. 2005. Вып. 20. С. 35-43.
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