Reuse of development workings as an element of providing the effective coal output
About authors
- Ph.D., Dr.Sci. first deputy of general director Group «Energo»
The article contains the results of application in a coal mine of a combined way for protection and support of development workings. This method combines a frame support, anchors and a cast support strip erected behind the longwale. The geomechanical substantiation of technological parameters, regulations and the field for efficient use of this method are given. Its introduction has allowed to increase the loads on longwale and to lower labour content and expenses for maintenance of butt entries.
support of workings within the zones of higher rock pressure
direct flow ventilation and degassing of minable sections
strengthening of rock mass
combined method for protection
- Байсаров Л.В. Геомеханика и технология поддержания повторно используемых горных выработок / Л.В.Байсаров, М.А.Ильяшов, А.И.Демченко. Днепропетровск: Лира, 2005. 240 с.
- Временный технологический регламент по охране подготовительных выработок угольных шахт литыми полосами из твердеющих материалов / А.Ф.Булат, М.А.Ильяшов, Б.М.Усаченко и др. Минтопэнерго Украины, ИГТМ НАНУ. Днепропетровск. 2004. 33 с.
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