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Vol 188
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Principal technologies for prevention of natural dangers at coal mines

Yuzef Dubinski
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  • Main Institute of Mining Art
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Modern mining of mineral resources to be the industry accepted by the society must meet the criteria for sustainable development. Work safety is its important element, which is a particular sphere in underground coal mines in the view of natural hazards occurring numerously, including the catastrophic failures. Among them are gas hazard, fires and rock burst hazard. The selected methodological solutions in terms of their recognition and technologies applicable for the actively combat of these threats, which are featured by high efficiency, have been pointed out.

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  1. Bradecki W., Dubinski J. Effect of the restructuring of the Polish coal-mining industry on the level of natural hazards: Archives of Mining Sciences., Krakow. 2004. Vol.50. Issue 1. P. 49-67.
  2. Cygankiewicz J. New method for evaluating endogenous fire hazard at mine operating areas: Proceedings of the 3rd School of Mining Aerology. Ed. Polish Academy of Sciences 2004.
  3. Dubinski J., Konopko W. Rockbursts – Evaluation – Prediction – Fighting: Ed. Central Mining Institute, Katowice, 2000.
  4. Dubinski J. Development of Seismogenic Zones in Underground Mines in the Light of Results of the Passive Tomography: Mining in the 21st Century Quo Vadis? Proceedings of the 19th World Mining Congress, New Delhi. 2003. Vol 2. P.1561-1568.
  5. Dubinski J., Konopko W. Rockbursts – preventive measures undertaken in Polish mines: Proceedings of the 5th International Mining Forum. Ed. A.A.Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 2004. P.197-212.
  6. Konopko W., Kabiesz J. Modification possibility for technological properties of rock around excavations: Proceedings of the International Conference «Geomechanics’ 96». Ed. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1997. P.27–29.
  7. Lurka A. Location of mining induced seismicity in zones of high P-wave velocity and in zones of high P-wave velocity gradient in Polish mines: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines / Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, 2005.
  8. Lukowicz K., Krause E. Methane drainage in Polish hard coal mines – achievements and outlook: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mining Hazard Problems. Ed. Central Mining Institute, 2004.

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