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Vol 190
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Implementation of various failure criteria for numerical models of rock mass

M. Yandris1
P. A. Demenkov2
About authors
  • 1 — Silesian University of Technology
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The paper presents results of numerical modeling by application of plastic constitutive models with various failure criteria. The Balmer’s and Balandin’s failure criteria have been elaborated in FISH language and they have been applied to simulate two basic problems which are: compression of rock sample and construction of excavation in rock mass.

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  1. Balmer G.: A general analytical solution for Mohr's envelope. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., 1952.
  2. Balandin P.P.: K voprosu o gipotezah prochnosti. Vestnik inzhenerov i tehnikow. 1937. N 1.
  3. Chudek M.: Rock mechanics with the basics of environmental management in the mining areas. Publisher of Silesian Technical University, z. 247. Gliwice, 2010.
  4. Itasca Consulting Group Inc., FLAC, User’s Guide, Minneapolis, 2002.
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