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Vol 192
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Application of air-permeability method for filterability prediction of different materials

D. N. Safonov1
Antti Khakkinen2
Anzhi Kraslavski3
I. N. Beloglazov4
Dzheison Palmer5
Ekberg B"yarne6
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Lappeenranta University of Technology
  • 3 — Lappeenranta University of Technology
  • 4 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 5 — Larox Oy Co
  • 6 — Larox Oy Co
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The article is devoted to research work, in which an attempt was made to apply the Blaine-meter for direct assessment of filterability of different materials. In the theoretical part of the article the main laws linking the Blaine index of the powder material and the average specific cake resistance are described. A number of experiments with materials taken from actual operating plants were carried out. To determine the Blaine-index the laboratory Blaine-meter was used, and to determine the average specific cake resistance standard tests of filterability on the batch pressure filter were carried out. As a result of processing experimental data and the necessary calculations direct relations between the Blaine-index and average specific cake resistance were obtained.

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  2. Potgieter J.H., Strydom C.A. An investigation into the correlation between different surface area determination techniques applied to various limestone-related compounds // Cement and Concrete Research. 1996. Vol.26. N 11. P.1613-1617.
  3. Wakeman R.J. The influence of particle properties on filtration // Separation and Purification Technology. 2007. N 58. P.234-241.
  4. Wakeman R.J., Tarleton E.S. Solid/liquid Separation: Principles of Industrial Filtration. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2005. P.339.
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