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Vol 192
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The new approach to control of the metallurgical limestone shaft kilning process

N. I. Koteleva
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  • Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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Today at management system engineering by metallurgical processes used to special methods of the control theory such as optimal, nejro-fuzzy and adaptive methods. First of all, it is connected with increase of problems complexity maintained in control process. In article possibility of application of neural networks is considered at improvement of a control system by process of mine roasting of limestone, are described the neural network scheme controls and the basic stages of its construction.

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  3. Еременко Ю.И. Автоматизация управления шахтными печами цеха металлизации с использованием динамической экспертной системы // Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление. 2004. № 4.

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