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Vol 192
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Ivestigation of conditions оf formation calcium hydrosulfasaluminates in the NA2O – AL2O3 – CAO – SO3 – H2O system

V. M. Sizyakov1
E. V. Sizyakova2
E. V. Tikhonova3
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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Calcium hydrosulfasaluminates (GSAK) is a component of cement. They are slowly formed together with the forming of the structure of cement in water solution at measurable temperatures (0-25 °C) during about 4-6 months. Slow rate of crystallization of GSAK wasn`t allowed to treat them as self-autonomy objects for use in various technological applications. The possibility of formation of GSAK (4CaO×Al 2 O 3 ×mSO 3 ×nH 2 O) is proved in an environment of saturated electrolytes – aluminates solutions of alumina production. They crystallize in a short time about 1-2 hours and retain their stability in long time about 24-36 hours. This allowed for us to identify ways of their industrial use. 

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