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Vol 200
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Features of the gold´s composition from the placers of river Maranon (Peru)

Vega Milton
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The paper presents the results of a study of gold from placer deposits  of  the  rivers  Marañón, Guayabamba, Chamaya which are located in the north of Peru, Cajamarca Province. There were founded peculiarities of gold, which let make the following conclusion: it was determined that there are a multiple quantity of primary sources of gold placer deposits and it was found the presence of ancient development and extraction of gold, which used the method of amalgamation.

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  1. Петровская Н.В. Золотые самородки. М.: Наука, 1993. 191 с.
  2. Geologia de Caxamarca, Gilberto Cruzado Vasquez, Insituto de geologia del Peru. 1995. Pag.84.
  3. INGEMMET – Pagina web del Instituto de geologia y minas de Peru.

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