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Vol 203
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Estimation of environmental qualityof urban territory on the lipid peroxidation intensity and fluctuation asymmetry of Betula Pendula Roth. leaf

E. A. Erofeeva
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  • Nizhniy Novgorod State University of N.I.Lobachevsky
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It was revealed that lipid peroxidation intensity and fluctuating asymmetry value of Betula pendula Roth. leaf gives the similar estimation of environmental quality on  urbanized territory.  At the same time the lipid peroxidation is more sensitive indicator of the level of industrial pollution.

Ерофеева Е.А. Оценка качества окружающей среды урбанизированной территории по интенсивности липопероксидации и величине флуктуирующей асимметрии листа Betula Pendula Roth. // Записки Горного института. 2013. Т. 203. С. 166.
Erofeeva E.A. Estimation of environmental qualityof urban territory on the lipid peroxidation intensity and fluctuation asymmetry of Betula Pendula Roth. leaf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 166.
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