Surface-modified metal powders and experience of their implementation in units of transmission equipment oil companies
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
It’s experimentally proved innovative methods of nanometric regulation of surface properties of metals, fillers and lubricants, as well as the results of testing oil-based lubricants on I-20 with various solid additives (on Al-, Cu-, Fe- base) at the nodes of the transmission oil refining equipment. By improving the antifriction properties of lubricant service life is increased by 40-80 %.
- Два подхода к получению поверхностно-нано-структурированных металлов: твердотельный гидридный синтез и адсорбционное модифицирование/ А.Г.Сырков, Л.А.Журенкова, В.Ф.Туфрикова и др. // Записки Горного института. 2012. Т.196. С.373-376.
- Сырков А.Г. Нанотехнология и наноматериалы. Поверхностно-наноструктурированные металлы. СПб, 2012. 104 с.