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Vol 206
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Foreign experience in providing financial assurance for mine closure and reclamation in the industrial use of subsoil

E. A. Agafontsev1
L. S. Sinkov2
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  • 1 — ru National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — ru National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The article describes the current situation of the problem of financial provision for mine closure and reclamation in Russia, as well as conditions of the Russian legislation about this question. The characteristic of international experience in providing financial assurance for the liquidation and rehabilitation operations is presented. The basic used instruments of financial assurance are described. The problems concerned with the implementation of the financial assurance in Russia are determined, as well as the solutions of them are offered.

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  1. Закон РФ «О недрах» от 21.02.1992 г. № 2395-1 (ред. 30.12.2012) // Российская газета. 15.03.1995. № 52.
  2. Федеральный закон «О соглашениях о разделе продукции» от 30.12.1995 г. № 225-ФЗ (ред. от 19.07.2011) // Российская газета. 11.01.1996. № 5.
  3. Financial assurance for mine closure and reclama-tion // Report – International council «On Mining and Met-als», February, 2005.
  4. Financial Surety. Guidelines for the Implementation of financial surety for mine closure – World Bank, June, 2009.
  5. Guidance Paper: Financial Assurance for Mine Clo-sure and Reclamation // International council «On Mining and Metals», March, 2006.

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