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Vol 206
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Engineering-geological substantiation of safety building and operation constructions of different function within the lowland Predglintovaya (the Western part of the Leningrad region)

R. E. Dashko1
A. A. Korobko2
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  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The analysis the characteristics and specificity the formation of Predglintovoy lowlands is carried out. The regularities of changes in the state and the strength of blue clay at the depth of cut, taking into account their degree of disintegration – layering and fracturing. The influence of macro- and microcracks in the blue clay zone predglintovoy on their strength and deformation ability is investigated. Basic provisions of engineering-geological analysis of the territory are developed. Recommendations to improve the safety and reliability estimates of blue clay as base of constructions of different function are offered.

Дашко Р.Э., Коробко А.А. Инженерно-геологическое обоснование безопасности строительства и эксплуатации сооружений различного назначения в пределах Предглинтовой низменности (Западная часть Ленинградской области) // Записки Горного института. 2013. Т. 206. С. 22.
Dashko R.E., Korobko A.A. Engineering-geological substantiation of safety building and operation constructions of different function within the lowland Predglintovaya (the Western part of the Leningrad region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 22.
Go to volume 206


  1. Дашко Р.Э. Геотехническая диагностика коренных глин Санкт-Петербургского региона (на примере нижнекембрийской глинистой толщи) // Реконструкция городов и геотехническое строительство. 2000. № 1. С.95-100.

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