Influence of drainage water injection in the lower carboniferous aquifer on stability of the protective aquiclude of the Yakovlevsky mine of the same-name deposit KMA (physical-chemical and biochemical aspects)
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
Drainage water formation of the Yakovlevsky mine (Yakovlevsky deposit, KMA) is considered, as well as the features of its discharge to soak away and thereto related ecological issues. Ways of drainage water treatment are presented. The particular focus is given to the project of its disposal in the high-head Lower Carboniferous aquifer using injection methods. Negative effects of this measure and nature of its impact on the water-protective layer, determining safety of mining operations, are stated.
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- Аркадьева З.А. Промышленная микробиология: Учеб. пособие для вузов / З.А.Аркадьева, А.М.Безбородов / Под ред. Н.С.Егорова. М., 1989. 688 с.
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