Reducing environmental hazard drilling works
About authors
- National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The problem of disposal of drilling waste is proposed to solve through the introduction of protective functions of the complex engineering activities, including, firstly, the application in the process of drilling mud through watersoluble biodegradable polymers and quadruple systems, cleaning fluid, and secondly, the application design platform with the wells trench in the body of the embankment site for pressed cuttings, which is arranged for a temporary earthen vessel for drilling wastewater.
- Седых В.Н. Реакция растений на отходы бурения нефтяных скважин / В.Н.Седых, Л.А.Игнатьев, М.В.Семенюк. Новосибирск: Наука, 2004. 84 с.
- Предельно допустимые концентрации (ПДК) химических веществ в почве: Гигиенические нормативы / Федеральный центр гигиены и эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора. М., 2006. 15 с.
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