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Vol 208
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The impact of Russia's accession to the world trade organization on the exploration industry

A. A. Fedchenko
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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It is considered the possible influence of the accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization on attraction of investments in exploration industry, Necessary changes in the legislation on the use of subsoil for the creation and activity of the junior geological companies have to be made It is noted differences between the Russian classification of mineral reserves and resources from the international standards. It is need to develop modern classification of reserves and establishm independent organizations in evaluation of deposits.

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  1. Михайлов Б.К. Значение минерально-сырьевой базы твердых полезных ископаемых в экономике России / Б.К.Михайлов, Ю.Ю.Воробьев, С.А.Кимельман // Минеральные ресурсы России. Экономика и управление. 2008. № 3.
  2. Стандарт JORC и доступ к мировым финансовым рынкам. Краткий обзор и практические аспекты // www. jorc. ru / index. php?
  3. Overview of trends in Canadian mineral explora-tion // www. nrcan. / mms / pubs / explor_e. htm

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