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Vol 208
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Technique of the accounting of inflationary processes in prospecting branch

V. I. Nazarov1
O. S. Krasnov2
About authors
  • 1 — All Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute
  • 2 — All Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute
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In the conditions of high rates of inflation it is necessary to provide comparability of expenses for the prospecting works made in different years. The technique of the accounting of inflationary processes in prospecting branch on the basis of statistical methods is developed. The technique allows to provide comparability of expenses occurring at different times for geophysical works, explorative drilling and their results in the conditions of high rates of inflation that increases reliability of planned calculations and reduces risks.

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  1. Васнев С.А. Статистика: Учеб. пособие. М., 2001. 170 с.
  2. Методические положения по индексации единых районных единичных расценок на строительные конструкции и работы, скважины на нефть и газ. М., 1992. 81 с.
  3. Методические рекомендации по оценке эффективности инвестиционных проектов / А.Г.Шахназаров, Г.Г.Азгальдов, Н.Г.Алешинская и др. М., 1994. 80 с.

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