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Vol 209
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Acoustic emission diagnostics buildings mining companies in the North

A. I. Potapov1
I. V. Pavlov2
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  • 1 — Национальный минерально-сырьевой университет «Горный»
  • 2 — Национальный минерально-сырьевой университет «Горный»
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The existing methods of diagnostic of destruction of the frozen basis of facilities are esteemed at straight thawing. Is marked, that the detecting of a beginning of destruction of a frozen ground can implement a а-emission method (AE). The principles of construction of diagnostic systems are reviewed, which one should consist of units of a method (reception, acceptance), transfer (transmission) and data processing. With the purpose of a reliability augmentation of diagnostic it is offered to conduct measurements AE only in narrow temperature ranges, dangerous concerning straight thawing. The statement of аemission sensors on loadbearing elements allows to use an offered diagnostic system for fracture control of concrete designs and to forecast destruction long before approach of distresses.  

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  1. Железняк И.И. Надежность мерзлых оснований сооружений. Новосибирск, 1990. 174 с.
  2. Исследование кинетики фазовых превращений воды акустоэмиссионным методом / И.И.Сахаров, И.Ю.Голубев, И.В.Павлов, А.И.Потапов // Журнал физ. химии, 1992, Т.66, № 2. С.555-558.
  3. Метод акустической эмиссии в исследованиях подвижки грунтов / Г.Б.Муравин, М.Н.Сигаловский, Е.А.Розумович и др. // Дефектоскопия. 1991. № 11. С.3-17.

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