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Vol 210
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The study of structural features of outburst coal seams

V. N. Zakharov1
O. N. Malinnikova2
About authors
  • 1 — The Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 2 — The Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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A study of the structural features of outburst-dangerous and non-outburst dangerous coal layers was conducted. It was shown that coal taken from a sudden outburst zone has a significantly greater sorption surface than coal from the same layer which was not part of the sudden outburst. The size of the sorption surface of coal is affected by its history up to that point; thus the heating of the coal sample during its preparation enlarges its sorption surface. An electron microscope study of coal surfaces has shown that for coal from outburst-dangerous layers, a disturbed structure with a large quantity of fissures and partings the size of 1 micrometer is typical. Under the same enlargement, a coal structure from safe coal layers is much more uniform. The study of digital images of coal surfaces, taken with the help of an electron microscope, shows that the structural institution of surface elements may be presented by multifractal analysis, with its spectrum of fractal dimensions, which allows us to state quantitative distinctions in coal microstructures for outburst-dangerous layers. Coal from outburst-dangerous layers has a greater set of structural elements, and therefore a spectrum of fractal dimensions that is 1.5-2 times wider than for nonoutburst dangerous layers.

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