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Vol 210
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The development of ideas for improving explosive destruction of rock masses – the basis of progress in mining

S. D. Viktorov1
V. M. Zakalinskii2
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  • 1 — Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 2 — Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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The article describes the main areas of research in the field of the explosive destruction of rocks used in mining. The results of studies carried out in recent years are presented. Information on possi-ble applications for breaking up rocks of various energy sources is provided. Ideas are given on the possibility of raising the efficiency of explosives for mining rock by increasing the scale of the ex-plosive destruction. Information about the widespread adoption of these methods at Russia’s biggest iron ore companies is presented. Recent results on the fracture processes at different levels of scale up to destruction to form particles of submicron size are shown. Studying the structural transforma-tions of rock mass at the micro and macro features of allocation and distribution of energy in the charges of various designs allowed us to control the action of a new explosion by breaking up rock masses and the complex structure of multicomponent fields.

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