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Vol 213
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Development of the stepper motor control system in steam generating units

A. L. Lyashenko1
I. M. Pershin2
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  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The article deals with the design and operation of a steam generating unit through the example of the reactor core RBMK-1000 (High Power Channel-type Reactor). It contains the description of the equipment being a part of the multiple forced circulation circuits (MFCC), which form the reactor. Careful consideration is given to the process of controlling the coolant flow in the reactor fuel channels via shut-off control valve (SOCV) and the necessity of its (the process) automation. The problem of SOCV automatic control system synthesis is formulated and solved. The possibility of using a device with extended frequency response (EFR) for a frequency response analysis of distributed parameter systems (DPS) is considered. The problem of developing a method for calculating the settings of the distributed PID-controller is formulated and solved. Software for the simulation of thermal field in the reactor core is developed.

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