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The energy influence on the radiation dose of the staff

Jose Italo Cortez1
G. S. Morokina2
Об авторах
  • 1 — Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The text of this paper is concerned to the problem of dose control used the sources of gamma and X-ray radiation in the mining industry and others organization of the nondestructive testing. Distinctive features of the resources are the high energy and intensity radiation is the short time delivering testing. The research is devoted to problems of the high energies and high ionization. The influence of radiation used in the industrial purposes, in particular, in nondestructive testing was studied all time, but nowadays the type of radiation resource has other parameters. This investigation denoted to Roentgen sources of high radiation and high energy range. In this case the photo effect is playing insignificant role at this value of the energy, but others effects enter: Compton Effect and effect of annihilations, that distinguishes influence from medical X-ray, where is more a photo effect. Questions of personal dose measurement are urgent for radiation securities in the all enterprises of measuring system. The results have shown that the most considerable changes are noted to the application of modern system of radiation control allows conduct the complex monitoring system with wide range or safe security, specialty to the systems of radiating control.

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