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Vol 216
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Opencast mine parameters sensitivity analysis at preliminary study of a mining project

S. I. Fomin1
E. I. Bazarova2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The article describes sensitivity analysis, aimed at variables dependence detection: to what extent open cast mine ultimate efficiency or performance will be affected when one of the key input variables is changed. The stronger the dependence effect, the higher the project implementation risk. The sensitivity analysis objective is demonstrated – principle factors identification – critical variables, capable of having a serious influence on the project implementation results, and impact verification of progressive (single) factorial changes. Sensitivity analysis in its content is a single-factor analysis. Output, as a basic performance indicator of an open cast mine, characterizes mine development intensity and is determined by mining-engineering and economic factors. It is proved that the impact degree from various parameters on the open cast mine output is characterized by elasticity ratio. The project indicators sensitivity analysis, which was carried out, allowed to establish the impact degree that various parameters have on the open cast mine output, which takes place in a high-angle ore deposit, characterized by elasticity ratio.

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