Nondestructive techniques to control the quality and quantity of oil flows
- 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University
- 2 — Ph.D. Assistant lecturer Saint-Petersburg Mining University
The article considers the issue of improving the efficiency of exploiting the acting oil fields and transportation system on the basis of modern hi-tech technologies to control the extracted and transported material. Factors are studied that lower the reliability of oil flow measurements, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the main ambiguities are described of using current systems for metrological account of oil transported through the pipelines. The effect is studied of inclusions in the transported oil flow on measurement efficiency. A technique is suggested for selective measurements of separate phases in the complex multi-phase flows with isotropic radio emission, the principal relationships are presented to describe the intensity of direct and scattered gamma-radiation on flow parameters. Criteria are given for developing a measurement system that would control the actual component composition of the flow with time, hence the amount of oil transported; that would enable organizing a centralized open department to control the quality of oil and transportation conditions, upgrade the level of production and provide high measurement accuracy. Results are presented of testing the technique on an operating oil field; the relative error margin of measuring free gas content was 0.2 %. The range is reviewed of possible applications for the measurement system of multi-phase multi-component flows, developed in the Saint Petersburg Mining University.
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