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Vol 217
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Technological aspects of extraction of precious and rare metals from carbonaceous rocks

T. N. Aleksandrova1
E. G. Panova2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg State University
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The results of mineralogical, geochemical and technological research of black shale rocks are given. It is proved that black shales are now regarded as a new promising and innovative source of precious and rare-metal raw materials. It is pointed out that 3 wt. % of black shales samples is colloid-salt fraction (nanofraction) with a particle size less than 1000 nm and it can be extracted with water under specially chosen conditions. The use of water instead of chemically active reagents guarantees the absence of dissolved mineral matrix and clearly shows the colloidal salt component in samples. The results determine the direction of creating some new methods and technologies of carbonaceous feed dressing for integrated development of solid minerals in the mining and oil producing regions of Russia.

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