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Vol 217
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Engineering and geomechanical forecast for waste disposal in underground caverns including earthquake-prone zones

O. V. Kovalev
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  • National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The article aims at obtaining representative scientifically based data to determine parameters of a necessary-safe condition of the rock massif (RM) in underground waste diposal caverns zones, including earthquake-prone zones. The main requirements for underground caverns for hazardous waste disposal and for their construction technology are described. The subject of the research is underground solution caverns in halogen rocks. Data for justification of safe waste disposal conditions in underground salt caverns and its stages are presented. A complex approach to the solution of the research problem is described. The main aspects of dynamic influence of seismic waves on underground caverns stability are considered. Taking into account seismic-risk zoning data on the research region some significant parameters of a possible seismic impact on the experimental cavern are calculated. The article points out the necessity of superincumbent rock and surface displacement assessment for the experimental site zone using the suggested complex approach and including the analysis of surveying data and results of rock mass geomechanical modeling.

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