Substantiation of intrastratal water shutoff technology in low permeability reservoirs
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The article presents the results of the filtration tests of the developed polymeric waterproofing compound GPS-1, which is a mixture of a water-alkaline hydrolyzed acryl-containing polymer solution with a nonionic surfactant. The obtained results indicate significant improvements of main operational parameters – penetrating and water-insulating power of the developed polymeric composition GPS-1 in comparison with the original one: addition of the nonionic surfactant reduced the pressure gradient of injection twice. Also, considerable (5 times) increase of the residual resistance factor, that is explained by deeper and more uniform penetration of the solution into the porous medium and the corresponding raise of isolation efficiency of pore channels, is established. Experiments on the model of a heterogeneous oil-filled formation showed that after the injection of the polymeric solution water mobility decreases in a highly porous interlayer and increases in a low-permeability interlayer indicating a redistribution of filtration flows in the model of a heterogeneous bed. The decrease of water mobility in a high-permeability zone contributes to the leveling of the displacement front and, ultimately, the additional extraction of oil from the less permeable area. As a result of the complex of filtration tests conducted, the efficiency of the developed polymeric composition GPS-1 for the regulation of filtration flows in low-permeability heterogeneous reservoirs is proved.
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