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Potential trace element markers of naphthogenesis processes: modeling and experimentation

Tatyana N. Aleksandrova1
Valentin V. Kuznetsov2
Nadezhda V. Nikolaeva3
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With the growing demand for hydrocarbon energy resources, there is a need to involve oil fields at deeper horizons in processing and increase the profitability of their development. Reduction of expenses on prospecting works is possible at revealing and substantiation of physicochemical markers of the naphthogenesis processes. One of the key markers is the transition metals content, which are both a measure of oil age and markers of potential associated processes in the migration and formation of hydrocarbons in the Earth's strata. The elemental composition of samples of oil and reservoir rocks of the Timan-Pechora field was studied. Based on the results of thermodynamic modeling, plausible processes of contact rock minerals transformation were proposed. Based on the results of molecular modeling the probable structure of vanadium and nickel host molecules in the heavy fraction of oils is proposed. The ratios of transition metal and sulfur contents were experimentally established, and assumptions about possible mechanisms of formation of deep hydrocarbon reservoirs were made. Analysis of the obtained ratios of transition metal contents in reservoir rocks and oil samples allowed to suggest possible processes of mantle fluids contact with the host rock and subsequent accumulation of hydrocarbons on sorption active rocks. According to the combined results of experimental and theoretical studies it was found that polymers of heavy fraction more selectively capture vanadium, which indicates the predominance of vanadium content in oil-bearing rocks in relation to the content of nickel. In this case, oil acts as a transport of transition metals, leaching them from the bedrock.

trace elements naphthogenesis thermodynamic modeling molecular modeling deep oil
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