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Vol 4 No 4
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Research article

Additional remark to the article by A.K. Boldyrev “One of the properties of tangent circles” On the properties of spheroprimes of vectorial circles

E. S. Fedorov
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I take this opportunity to note for the thousandth time the advantages of the method of new geometry, the theorems of which know no exceptions, but always have perfect generality. This author has already given the proof of this theorem, which I communicated to him, using the method of new geometry. It seems to me that A.K.’s theorem is much more expedient and simpler. Boldyrev should be formulated as follows (see article). Theorem of A.K. Boldyrev in a generalized form, using the method of new geometry, reveals one of the interesting properties of spheroprims of vectorial circles.

Федоров Е.С. Дополнительное замечание к статье А. К. Болдырева "Одно из свойств касающихся окружностей" К свойствам сфероприм векториальных кругов // Записки Горного института. 1913. Т. № 4 4. С. 296-297.
Fedorov E.S. Additional remark to the article by A.K. Boldyrev “One of the properties of tangent circles” On the properties of spheroprimes of vectorial circles // Journal of Mining Institute. 1913. Vol. № 4 4. p. 296-297.
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