Essay and assessment of the works of Ivan Avgustovich Thieme on mining mechanics and some other related branches
Department I. Mining machines, mechanisms, instruments, etc. Replies to Mr. Urbanovin (Gorn. Jury. 1872. IV 151) Wire bending resistance. (Gorn. Journal 1886. II. 217.) Collection of mining wire ropes donated to the Mining Institute by I. I. Yuz. (Gorn. Journal. 1890. I. pp. 423-429.) The water pump (spray), the main tool of the hydraulic method of mining gold-bearing placers. (Gorn. Zhurn. 1891. T. 4. pp. 1-20). Review of the essay by B. Milkovsky: “Wire rope in theory and mining practice.” Part 1" (Gornozavodsky Listok 1899. N° 4. pp. 3692-3696). Improved stretcher for mines. (G Zh. 1892. I. 538). About explosive gas. (G.Zh. 1898. II. 84-87.) Department P. Factory machines, mechanisms, instruments, etc. 1) Ore crushing machine at the George-Marien-Huette plant near Osnabrück (in Hannover). (Gorn. Zhuri.L86G T. II. pp. 391-397). 2) Essay on the current state of mechanical engineering abroad. 3) Theory and construction of iron rolling machines. (Mining Journal 1872. Volume I, pp. 1-57). 4) Current state of steam hammers. (Mining Journal. 1872. III p. 419 and IV p. 1). 5) About some mining machines of 1875. I. 6) A note about Kondratiev’s article “Ruth Fans”. (Mining Journal 1881, XI, 319). 7) Indicator experiments on rolling steel rails and beams at the Putilov plant. 8) Portable drying oven for foundries. (G Zh. 1894. IV. 217). 9) Plant of the Ural-Volga Metallurgical Society in Tsaritsyn. (G. Zh. 1898 IV. pp. 92-94). 10) Essay on the current state of mining in the Donetsk basin. (G. Zh. 1889 T. I. No. 1. Pages 1 - 97 and No. 2. Pages 217-348). 11) South Russian Mining Plants. (G. Zh. 1893. -T. I No. 3 pp. 391-450 - and T. II No. 4 pp. 1-76). 12) The current state of technology at South Russian mining plants and mines. (G Zh. 1897, T. I, book 1 pp. 1-56, book 2 pp. 151-186, book 3 pp. 319-366; T. II, book 4 pp. 1-59, book 5 pp. 171-209.) 13) The current state of technology at South Russian factories and mines. (Gorn. Zhurn. 1906. T. IV, book 12, pp. 291-422). 14) Brief report on a business trip to the Ural factories in the summer of 1894, Professor Iv. Time. 15) Paris World Exhibition of 1889. (Mining Journal 1890, I, II and III). 16) About the normal type of steel rails. (Mining Journal, 1877, IV, pp. 367-382). 17) A few words about the organization of the central railway workshop in Malin (Mecheln) in Belgium. (G. Zh. 1886. II, pp. 231-243). 18) P. I. Maltsev. Practical mechanics. (G.Zh. 1894. 1, p. 571). 19) A few words about the preparation of projects in applied mechanics at the Mining Institute. (G.Zh. 1896. I, p. 419). 20) Reference book for mining engineers and technicians on mining. Mining mechanics. 21) Amendments and additions to the “Reference Book 1879” (G. Zh. 1885. 1 362). 22) Bibliographic works of Iv. Av. Time. Reviews of essays. New book: E. Thomson: “Mine devices for deep depths” (Gornozavodsky Listok 1900. Nos. 9 and 18) and others (see article). Comp. V. E. Grum-Grzhimailo and M. M. Fedorov. Department Sh. Structures related to electrical engineering (see article).
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