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Vol 8
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Research article

Ways of development of crystallography and its modern tasks

V. V. Doliovo-Dobrovol'skii
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(Report read on March 11, 1933 at a meeting of the departments of petrographic-mineralogical cycle of sciences, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx). The history of crystallography, its main trends and recent achievements are presented in a brief and reference form. This base serves for the study of crystallographic problems that are largely solved according to industrial requirements. Modern period and tasks of crystallography (see article). We can distinguish groups of problems: a group of physical problems connecting the physics of phenomena with their geometry; group of chemical problems; a group of problems related to physical and chemical phenomena."

Доливо-Добровольский В.В. Пути развития кристаллографии и ее современные задачи // Записки Горного института. 1934. Т. 8. С. 160-169.
Doliovo-Dobrovol’skii V.V. Ways of development of crystallography and its modern tasks // Journal of Mining Institute. 1934. Vol. 8. p. 160-169.
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