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Vol 6 No 1
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Research article

On the question of determining work during rolling

S. N. Petrov
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To check to what extent the calculations using the formulas I derived in previous notes are consistent with the experimental results, I, but on the instructions of Prof. I. A. Thieme applied these formulas to the data of experiments carried out on the rolling of sheet iron at the Schulz, Knaudt, etc. plant. C° in Essen. These data are presented in the article by Prof. Thieme: “Indicative experiments on rolling steel rails and beams” (Mining Journal, 1883) and in the article by E. Blass: “Zur Theorie des Walzprocesses” (Stahl u. Eisen, 1882, No. 7).

Петров С.Н. К вопросу об определении работы при прокатке // Записки Горного института. 1916. Т. № 1 6. С. 59-61.
Petrov S.N. On the question of determining work during rolling // Journal of Mining Institute. 1916. Vol. № 1 6. p. 59-61.
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