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Vol 5 No 4-5
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Research article
Brief communications

A simple way to construct correlative elements in related seconds of points, conoprimes of points and conoprimes of rays with three constant elements

E. S. Fedorov
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The projective relationships elucidated in the previous note would receive a high degree of clarity if it were possible to establish by simple construction such a correlativity between the conoprimes of the second and the points of the plane such that the extraelements of one correspond to the extrapoints of the other. A second of conoprimes of rays contains a prima that is represented by a pair of points (more precisely, a pair of linear prime rays). Since in each linear example there are three such special conoprimes (of which one pair can be imaginary), it is quite obvious that in the case of special conoprimes of rays a 3rd order curve is correlative.

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