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Sergei A. Buzmakov
Sergei A. Buzmakov
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Perm State National Research University
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Perm State National Research University
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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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The use of unmanned aerial photography for interpreting the technogenic transformation of the natural environment during the oilfield operation

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The traditional approach to monitoring observations of the technogenic processes development in oilfields, which consists in determining the concentration of marker pollutants in various natural environments, does not provide the necessary completeness of information and the efficiency of its receipt. The paper considers an example of expanding the range of observations due to unmanned aerial photography and a number of other methods. Interpretation signs (for panchromatic survey) were determined that register such consequences of technogenic transformation of the natural environment as mechanogenesis, bitumization, and halogenesis. Technogenic mechanogenesis is understood as a physical violation of the integrity of ecosystems, the movement of soils and grounds. Bitumization is expressed in the migration of petroleum hydrocarbons through soils, ground, surface, subsurface, and underground waters, and their destruction. Salt migration in these media is defined as halogenesis. The most reliable indicators are linearly elongated areas of dead forests, dark red spots in drying microdepressions and reservoirs. It was found out that the oilfield impact on the raised bog leads to anthropogenic eutrophication, the introduction of plant species, uncharacteristic coenotic groups, the replacement of subshrubs with grasses, and morphometric changes in forest pine. In the peat deposits of the disturbed area, an unusual interlayer of whitish, undecomposed moss was recorded. The moment of the beginning of a pronounced technogenic transformation was registered in the course of work with the archive of multispectral space images. Continuous remote sensing with the help of unmanned aerial photography and interpretation by sedimentological, geobotanical methods significantly expand the possibilities of studying the technogenic transformation of the natural environment. To ensure environmental safety, it is advisable to develop remote methods and technologies to include them in the environmental monitoring system.

How to cite: Buzmakov S.A., Sannikov P.Y., Kuchin L.S., Igoscheva E.A., Abdulmanova I.F. The use of unmanned aerial photography for interpreting the technogenic transformation of the natural environment during the oilfield operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 180-193. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.22
Modern methods and technologies remediation areas
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Soil restoration under oil pollution of different levels

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There are some levels of soil pollution under oil products. The author introduces reclamation things according to this levels. There are main parameters of practical works of territory environmental assessment, soil restoration, utilization of wastes with oil products.

How to cite: Buzmakov S.A. Soil restoration under oil pollution of different levels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 128.