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Oleg L. Dudchenko
Oleg L. Dudchenko
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
National University of Science and Technology MISiS
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
National University of Science and Technology MISiS
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Experimental study of thermomechanical effects in water-saturated limestones during their deformation

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Stability control of elements of stone constructions of various structures is a prerequisite for their safe operation. The use of modern methods of non-destructive diagnostics of the stress-strain state of such constructions is an effective, and in many cases the only way to control it. Studies of thermal radiation accompanying the processes of solid bodies deformation allowed to justify and develop a method that allows to obtain non-contact information about changes in the stress-strain state in various types of geomaterials, including limestones. However, studies of the water saturation influence of rocks on the thermal radiation parameters recorded in this way are currently superficial. Taking into account the water saturation degree of rocks is necessary when monitoring the mechanical condition of stone structures that are in direct contact with water. The main purpose of this work is to study the dependences of changes in the intensity of thermal radiation from the surface of limestone samples with different humidity under conditions of uniaxial compression. The obtained results showed the expected significant decrease in the mechanical properties (uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus) of water-saturated samples in comparison with dry ones. At the same time, a significant increase in the intensity of thermal radiation of limestone samples subjected to compression with an increase in their water saturation was recorded, which makes it necessary to take into account the revealed regularity when identifying changes in the stress state of stone structures established according to non-contact IR diagnostics in real conditions.

How to cite: Blokhin D.I., Ivanov P.N., Dudchenko O.L. Experimental study of thermomechanical effects in water-saturated limestones during their deformation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 247. p. 1-10. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.1.1
Oil and gas
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The issue of drilling mud multiple use is problematic. To reuse, the solution must be efficiently cleaned from solid particles according to the class of 0.04-0.07 mm. An analysis of existing technologies and equipment has shown that drilling mud regeneration schemes are rather difficult to operate and expensive. In world practice there has been a tendency to create universal equipment, which allows most complete cleaning cycle for a drilling mud in fine grades. The paper proposes an innovative vibroacoustic module for cleaning drilling muds from sludge. The creative element of the proposal is the impact of vibroacoustic oscillations on the drilling mud passing through the mesh element. At the same time, specific effects arise around the mesh, which increase the productivity and efficiency of the process. The design of the vibroacoustic apparatus and the principle of its operation are presented. An important element of the proposal is that the oscillation is created by pistons interconnected by rods and located on opposite sides of the mesh. This dipole system provides the excitation of variable pressures of different polarity before the mesh and after it. The results of industrial tests of the vibroacoustic module when servicing the BU-75-BrE drilling rig are presented. The dependence of the installation performance and efficiency on the amplitude of oscillations was found. The optimal dynamic range of exposure (from 5.5 to 6.5 mm) was determined. Analysis showed that in the composition of the cleaned drilling mud, the maximum particle size of the solid phase did not exceed 0.04 mm. The conducted industrial tests confirmed the possibility of using the vibroacoustic module for cleaning the washing fluid and developing a pit-free drilling technology on its basis.

How to cite: Fedorov G.B., Dudchenko O.L., Kurenkov D.S. DEVELOPMENT OF VIBROACOUSTIC MODULE FOR FINE FILTRATION OF DRILLING MUDS // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 234. p. 647. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.6.647