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Vladimir S. Brigida
Vladimir S. Brigida
researcher, Ph.D.
Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
researcher, Ph.D.
Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Spatial non-linearity of methane release dynamics in underground boreholes for sustainable mining

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The paper is devoted to the problem of increasing energy efficiency of coalmine methane utilization to provide sustainable development of geotechnologies in the context of transition to a clean resource-saving energy production. Its relevance results from the fact that the anthropogenic effect of coalmine methane emissions on the global climate change processes is 21 times higher than the impact of carbon dioxide. Suites of gassy coal seams and surrounding rocks should be classified as technogenic coal-gas deposits, while gas extracted from them should be treated as an alternative energy source. Existing practices and methods of controlling coalmine methane need to be improved, as the current “mine – longwall” concept does not fully take into account spatial and temporal specifics of production face advancement. Therefore, related issues are relevant for many areas of expertise, and especially so for green coal mining. The goal of this paper is to identify patterns that describe non-linear nature of methane release dynamics in the underground boreholes to provide sustainable development of geotechnologies due to quality improvement of the withdrawn methane-air mixture. For the first time in spatial-temporal studies (in the plane of CH 4 - S ) of methane concentration dynamics, according to the designed approach, the parameter of distance from the longwall ( L ) is introduced, which allows to create function space for the analyzed process (CH 4 of S-L ). Results of coalmine measurements are interpreted using the method of local polynomial regression (LOESS). The study is based on using non-linear variations of methane concentration in the underground boreholes and specific features of their implementation to perform vacuum pumping in the most productive areas of the undermined rock mass in order to maintain safe aerogas conditions of the extraction block during intensive mining of deep-lying gassy seams. Identification of patterns in the influence of situational geomechanical conditions of coal mining on the initiation of metastable gas-coal solution transformation and genesis of wave processes in the coal-rock mass allows to improve reliability of predicting methane release dynamics, as well as workflow manageability of mining operations. Presented results demonstrate that development of high-methane Donbass seams is associated with insufficient reliability of gas drainage system operation at distances over 40 m behind the longwall face. Obtained results confirm a working hypothesis about the presence of spatial migration of methane concentration waves in the underground gas drainage boreholes. It is necessary to continue research in the area of estimating deviation angles of “advance fracturing” zone boundaries from the face line direction. Practical significance of research results lies in the possibility to use them in the development of scientific foundation for 3D gas drainage of a man-made coal-methane reservoir, taking into account spatial and temporal advancement of the production face.

How to cite: Dzhioeva A.K., Brigida V.S. Spatial non-linearity of methane release dynamics in underground boreholes for sustainable mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 245. p. 522-530. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.5.3
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Ensuring Stability of Undermining Inclined Drainage Holes During Intensive Development of Multiple Gas-Bearing Coal Layers

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At high rates of production face advance, requirements towards reliable operation of undermining drainage holes get raised. The issue of maintaining high intensity of gaseous seams development under naturally increasing gas content, mining depth and capacity of production equipment poses a problem. The greatest threat comes from the loss of hole stability in the bearing pressure affected zone (in front of the face) and in the intensive shift area of overhanging rock corbels (behind the face). Intensification of air leaks due to deformation of borehole channel leads to impoverishment of removed methane-air mixture and an increasing risk to disturb safe aerogas regime in the mining area. The paper describes a mechanism of how coal-face operations affect the state of underground holes and formation of overhanging rock corbels. A typification of basic kinds of borehole deformations is presented. Authors point out critical disadvantages of the most widely-used technological schemes of gaseous seams development under high load on the production face, which hinder normal operation of a gas drainage system. As a result of research, a dependency of shot hole number, as well as the distance between shot hole axes and the borehole, on the stress state of the borehole outline has been defined more precisely. Basing on that, a formula to calculate drilling parameters of the discharge hole system has been suggested. Implementation of these measures will allow to increase the efficiency of underground gas drainage and to maintain growing intensity of gaseous coal seam development.

How to cite: Brigida V.S., Golik V.I., Dmitrak Y.V., Gabaraev O.Z. Ensuring Stability of Undermining Inclined Drainage Holes During Intensive Development of Multiple Gas-Bearing Coal Layers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 239. p. 497. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.5.497