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A. A. Andreev
A. A. Andreev


Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Geomechanical foundations of the safe extraction in joint mining of rich, coppery and ore patches in deep ore mines at Тalnakh

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The paper deals with the specific formation of stress fields in ore-bearing intrusions at the Oktiabrsky and Talnakh ore deposits with due account of depth of occurrence and formation of tectonic disturbances. The authors have investigated the influence of mining works on stress state of ore-bearing portion of the intrusion. The relationships were obtained in terms of the formation of stress fields in the intrusion during its undermining, overmining and joint mining of several ore deposits. Some recommendations are given for mining of series of ore formations at the Oktiabrsky and Talnakh deposits.

How to cite: Zvezdkin V.A., Andreev A.A. Geomechanical foundations of the safe extraction in joint mining of rich, coppery and ore patches in deep ore mines at Тalnakh // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 47-49.
Blasting, explosives and means of mechanization of their application
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Increase of efficiency and environmental safety of rock crushing by borehole charges at dredging works

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In work results bottom deepening works of the Saimaa channel in lake Finland are resulted. Detonation of underwater files was made deep-hole by charges in diameter 85, 115 and 150 mm. Drilling of chinks was carried out from floating platform PORA-1. The description of the «know-how» of explosive works and settlement parameters is resulted.

How to cite: Andreev A.A. Increase of efficiency and environmental safety of rock crushing by borehole charges at dredging works // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 95-99.
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Анализ показателей премирования и их влияние на уровень производительности труда

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Разумно попользовав принципы, заложенные в различных системах заработ­ной платы, можно усилить материальную заинтересованность трудящихся в раз­витии технического прогресса, в повышении эффективности производства, тем­пов роста производительности труда и на этой основе обеспечить увеличение заработной платы каждого работника ...

How to cite: Andreev A.A., Popova N.S., Smorodinov V.I. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1978. Vol. 79. p. 20.