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V. P. Tatsienko
V. P. Tatsienko
OAO Kuzbassugol
OAO Kuzbassugol


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Investigation of fracture processes of composites with hybrid spatially reinforced weighting material

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The strength characteristics of composites based on spirally reinforced fillers used in the mining industry have higher strength values under almost all types of loading than unidirectional plastics. While the increase in strength of a material with spirally reinforced filler in the transversal and shear directions is theoretically justified, the characteristics in the main reinforcement direction should have lower values due to the reduction of the main reinforcement content in the material. At the same time, the influence of the wrapping layer on the strength characteristics of reinforced plastic begins to affect already at the stage of production of spirally reinforced elements. The presence of the winding layer not only improves the manufacturability of reinforcement processing, but also contributes to a fuller use of its strength in the material. Positive effect is achieved due to straightening of elementary fibers, sealing and compression of reinforcement harness, which contributes to their simultaneous inclusion under loading.

How to cite: Freger G.E., Tatsienko V.P., Buchatskii V.M. Investigation of fracture processes of composites with hybrid spatially reinforced weighting material // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 104-106.