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T. A. Tarabarinova
T. A. Tarabarinova
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


Effective management in mineral resources complex and energy industry: approaches, tools and mechanisms
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The definition of hedge accounting points in international financial reporting standards

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Hedging is an integral part of the activities of oil and gas, mining and metallurgical companies. The article covers to problems of hedging according to International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 6 «Financial instruments»: object of the hedge accounting (Hedged Item and Hedged Instrument), types of hedging relationships (Fair value hedge, Cash flow hedge, Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation).

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A., Yakupova D.A. The definition of hedge accounting points in international financial reporting standards // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 190.
Economics and management
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Hydrocarbon exploration costs accounting (international practices)

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The International Accounting Standards Board issued International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 6 «Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources». The standard applied to companies engaged in exploration for and evaluation of oil and gas and mineral resources. The article covers to problems of impairment of these assets. How ever for oil and gas industry is the most popular are USA and Britain standards of financial accounting (GAAP USA and GAAP UK). The article concerns questions of capitalization of expenses for exploration and evaluation of mineral resources of comparison according to the IFRS and GAAP USA.  

How to cite: Yakupova D.A., Tarabarinova T.A. Hydrocarbon exploration costs accounting (international practices) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 209.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Evaluation and accounting of objects subsoil usage

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The article covers problems of evaluation and account of objects of subsoil usage according to different methods of business estimating: cost method, comparative method, revenues method. There is a conclusion that deficiency of such important active as reserves of mineral resources in statement of financial position doesn’t give an objective evaluation of mining company’s market value.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. Evaluation and accounting of objects subsoil usage // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 263.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Problems of evaluation according to objects of subsoil usage

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The article covers to problems of evaluation of objects of subsoil usage according to different stages of geological exploration in International Financial Reporting Standard 6 «Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources» and Russian Accounting Standard 24/2011.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. Problems of evaluation according to objects of subsoil usage // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 120.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources In international financial reporting standards in international financial reporting standards

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The International Accounting Standards Board issued International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 6 «Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources». The standard applied to companies engaged in exploration for and evaluation of oil and gas and mineral resources. The article covers to problems of impairment of these assets.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources Impairment of costs for exploration And for evaluation of mineral resources In international financial reporting standards in international financial reporting standards // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 82.
Russia in the system of world economic relations and foreign experience in MBC a
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Exploration and evaluation of mineral resources in international standards of financial reporting

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The International Accounting Standards Board issued International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 6 «Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources». The standard applied to all entities engaged in exploration for and evaluation of oil and gas and mineral resources. In the given paper exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources according to International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) are determined in a detailed way.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. Exploration and evaluation of mineral resources in international standards of financial reporting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 258-261.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Subsoil use license as an object of intangible assets in Russian and foreign practice

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The structure of intangible assets is presented. Special attention is paid to the right to use subsoil both in Russian and foreign practice. different points of view regarding the possibility of attributing the license for the right to use subsoil to the objects of intangible assets are considered.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A., Shvareva E.V. Subsoil use license as an object of intangible assets in Russian and foreign practice // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 29-31.
Economics and management
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Methods of accounting for inflation

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The article considers a number of problems associated with accounting and reporting under inflation conditions. The necessity of reflection of inflationary processes in accounting is substantiated, methods of bringing data for different periods of time into a comparable form and methods of revaluation of assets and liabilities items of the balance sheet by the inflation level used in the world practice are described. Particular attention is paid to accounting models in constant prices, current prices and the combined method. Possibilities of application of these methods under certain conditions are evaluated. The methods of adjusting the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, provided by the current international standards of financial reporting, are disclosed. An analysis is given of domestic experience in reflecting inflation in accounting in comparison with the practice of revaluation in other countries, in particular the main methods of revaluation of balance sheet items used in Russia. The principles of inflation accounting in our country at the present stage are formulated, their efficiency is evaluated.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A., Polyakova E.V. Methods of accounting for inflation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 152. p. 242-245.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system

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The priority directions of socio-economic and organizational and legal policy in the sphere of regional management of natural resources are substantiated and highlighted. The unified principles of state management of natural resource complexes are adopted as a common methodological basis. The ways of improving the economic mechanism of regional nature management taking into account the combination of the interests of the federal center and the territories have been considered. A set of managerial tasks by the example of the Department of Natural Resources in the North-West region has been developed, the functions of the region in the sphere of management of the mineral resource complex have been singled out, and the tasks of development of the mineral resource base of the territory have been determined. The analysis of the existing system of taxation in the natural resources block is performed. The concept and mechanism of stimulating efficient development and use of mineral resources by taxes was proposed. The efficiency of financial, credit and tax mechanisms in the subsoil use was studied. Methodological recommendations on the creation of special incentive tax regimes for mining industries, taking into account their industry specifics, but on a unified methodological basis, are given.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Berezovsii P.V., Iseeva L.I., Nevskaya M.A., Tarabarinova T.A. Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 189-192.
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Арендный подряд в геолого-разведочной экспедиции

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Преодоление монополии государственной, собственности, создание условий для свободной предпринимательской деятельности в конечном итоге прав едет к ускорению научно-технического прогресса во всех отраслях народного хозяйст­ ва, в том числе горной промышленности и геологоразведке ...

How to cite: Pakulina N.V., Tarabarinova T.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1992. Vol. 132. p. 63.
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Новые условия оплаты труда в геолого-разведочной организации

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Экономическое развитие стран в решающей степени зависит от того, как стимулируется труд конкретного работника ...

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1990. Vol. 122. p. 50.
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Методологические подходы к определению договорной цены на научно-техническую продукцию

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Важным звеном перестройки в науке, экономической основой ускорения научно-технического прогресса в народном хозяйстве является переход научно- исследовательских организаций, в том числе и организаций ...

How to cite: Podgorbunskaya N.V., Tarabarinova T.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1989. Vol. 120. p. 64.
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Экономическая эффективность теплофикационного использования геотермальных ресурсов

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Топливно-энергетические комплексы на основе минерального сырья xapa к теризуются интенсивным материальным и энергетическим обменом с окружающей средой, что стимулирует поиски новых источников энергии ...

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A., Sadovnikova E.I. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1987. Vol. 114. p. 20.
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Обоснование критерия экономической эффективности извлечения петрогеотермальных ресурсов

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Тепловые ресурсы недр, исходя из геотермических, гидрогеологических и технологических условий их извлечения, можно разделить на гидротермаль­ные и петрогеотермальные ...

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1981. Vol. 90. p. 45.