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A. S. Simakov
A. S. Simakov
Associate Professor
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
Associate Professor
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute


Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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The automated system of operative dispatching management of gas distribution station

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The features of automated system of operative dispatching management of gas distribution station are described in the paper. System is created on base of programmable automation controller NI FieldPoint and programming environment NI LabView.

How to cite: Kadyrov E.D., Simakov A.S., Volovikov A.Y., Sokolova E.A. The automated system of operative dispatching management of gas distribution station // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 150.
Automation of technological processes
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System of automatic control of damage of slurry lines

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In the degree we can see the system of automatic control of breaking of trunk pipeline of mineral resources, which based on explosion effects of acoustic emission and developing on based of mathematic model get around impulse of pressure in trunk pipeline system. You can see the main advantages this method. It’s important thuf explosion of this method can help us to spend less time on making of diagnostic works and economize money, spending of this industry.

How to cite: Malarev V.I., Knyshov N.V., Simakov A.S. System of automatic control of damage of slurry lines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 85-87.
Mining electromechanics
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Microprocessor control system for an integrated conveyor line

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The problems of automated control of continuous rock mass transportation systems based on the use of microprocessor technology are considered. The main tasks and technical solutions for automation of automated control systems (ACS) are presented. The structure of such systems is described, the issues of reliability and prospects of using ACS in controlling conveyor lines are investigated, advantages and disadvantages of existing conveyor control systems are indicated. It is offered to increase control efficiency by means of creation of the distributed ACS of the conveyor line, consisting of several microcontrollers (MC) in ACS, controlling each of the industrial mechanism, but subordinated to the main MC, the functional diagram of one of such systems and the algorithm of its functioning is resulted.

How to cite: Simakov A.S., Bragin B.B. Microprocessor control system for an integrated conveyor line // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 152. p. 181-184.