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N. P. Tarasova
N. P. Tarasova
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology


Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Creation of intelligent decision support system for safety management of chemical production under conditions of risk

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The functional structure of the intellectual decision support system (DSSS) was developed for the analysis and rapid assessment of emergencies and safety management of chemical production. Mechanisms of DMS functioning in integrated automated systems of safety management of chemical production in the emergence and development of emergency situations were considered. The structure of the distributed database of intellectual DMSS was offered. Models, methods, algorithms and complexes of software tools for hazard analysis, risk assessment and consequence forecasting of accidents at chemical plants have been developed. Algorithms for analysis, rapid assessment and making recommendations to a decision maker in case of emergencies at chemical enterprises with the use of SPRD have been developed.

How to cite: Tarasova N.P., Egorov A.F., Savitskaya T.V., Smetannikov Y.V., Dudarov S.P., Varnavskii E.V. Creation of intelligent decision support system for safety management of chemical production under conditions of risk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 250-253.