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A. G. Makarenko
A. G. Makarenko
Samara Technical University
Samara Technical University


Problems of technogenic formations and use of industrial and domestic waste
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Development of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technology with gas filtration for recycling waste metal processing of titanium and titanium alloys

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In modern engineering, where the technology of obtaining refractory compounds by powder metallurgy and the process of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) are mastered and introduced into production, new tasks arise: reducing the cost of raw materials, creating methods of synthesizing powders and products with special desired properties, development of new technological processes. In recent years the areas and volumes of powders produced from metal chips, slags, and sludge have significantly expanded. It should be noted that the cost of powders from chips is essentially lower than the cost of powders obtained from pure metals: the cost of 1 ton of titanium powder is on average 10-30 thousand dollars, while the cost of titanium chips is 10-15 times lower. The SHS method allows to save material resources, in particular, such a strategic metal as titanium and to solve the problem of recycling of titanium-containing waste of machine-building production.

How to cite: Makarenko A.G. Development of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis technology with gas filtration for recycling waste metal processing of titanium and titanium alloys // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 189-192.