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N. I. Kurakina
N. I. Kurakina
Prognoz Research Institute of Radioelectronic Systems for Forecasting Emergency Situations at St. Petersburg Electrotecnical University
Prognoz Research Institute of Radioelectronic Systems for Forecasting Emergency Situations at St. Petersburg Electrotecnical University


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Complex Approach to the Estimation of the Eco-System State as a Basis for Rational Nature Management

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The software environment for the formation of a comprehensive assessment of the ecosystem state is considered, which provides obtaining information of various types, organizing the database and combining heterogeneous data on a single metrological basis, allows the expert-ecologist to form the functional of the ecosystem state assessment taking into account the specifics of the area, the type of production or several industries, the scale of impact on the environment. The modeling system provides pro-forecasting of situation development, the possibility of designing territories, and environmental management.

How to cite: Alekseev V.V., Kurakina N.I. Complex Approach to the Estimation of the Eco-System State as a Basis for Rational Nature Management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 12-13.
Problems of environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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System of integrated assessment of the environmental condition of objects based on GIS

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The system of forming and obtaining complex assessments of the ecological state of environmental objects on the basis of heterogeneous data and modeling results, taking into account the characteristics of uncertainty was created. Based on the conducted metrological analysis of the main types of data, algorithms for the construction of a normalized space of estimates, which provide the formation of complex and comprehensive estimates based on the layer-by-layer organization of projects in the technology of geographic information systems, were implemented.

How to cite: Alekseev V.V., Komarov B.G., Korolev P.G., Kurakina N.I. System of integrated assessment of the environmental condition of objects based on GIS // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 38-40.
Environmental monitoring and environmental safety
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System of emergency forecasting based on integrated impact assessment and dynamic models

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The paper is focused on the issues of combining different types of data and the results of modeling to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the state of objects of the ecological system and forecasting the development of the situation. On the basis of the metrological analysis of the main types of data the method of construction of the fixed assessment space is proposed, providing the formation of complex and comprehensive assessments on the basis of the organization of stratified projects and geographic information systems technology.

How to cite: Alekseev V.V., Komarov B.G., Korolev P.G., Kurakina N.I. System of emergency forecasting based on integrated impact assessment and dynamic models // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 41-43.