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A. V. Kovalevskii
A. V. Kovalevskii
Kuzbass State Technical University
Kuzbass State Technical University


Economics. Development of underground space
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Implementation of information technologies in accounting and management processes at coal mining enterprises with the open-pit mining method

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At the present stage, the use of information technology in different spheres of the economy of the Russian Federation is uneven. With the greatest impact and efficiency, information technology and computing equipment are used in trade and services, but the sphere of material production is not sufficiently involved in the process of informatization of accounting and management processes. The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between the use of information technology and the effective operation of enterprises in the coal mining industry. Positive influence of information technologies on indicators of work of the enterprises was revealed. Scientifically substantiated recommendations for improving the integrated informatization of the management of the development of economic systems have been proposed, a mutually beneficial software payment scheme for the user and the developer has been developed.

How to cite: Kovalevskii A.V. Implementation of information technologies in accounting and management processes at coal mining enterprises with the open-pit mining method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 2 155. p. 204-207.