In our country, when carrying out the open-hearth process, fuel oil is mainly used, which is more expensive than some other types of fuel. In this connection, it is proposed to transfer the heating of open-hearth furnaces from fuel oil to gas-oil heating with parallel supply of oxygen. Application of the new type of fuel will accelerate oxidizing reactions in the combustion zone and increase the flame temperature and, as a consequence, reduce the melting time or the consumption of fuel equivalent. This will lead to increase of open-hearth productivity and have a positive effect on open-hearth process efficiency. It should also be noted that the new fuel is more environmentally friendly due to reduced use of fuel oil and, consequently, reduction of sulfur compounds in the combustion products. Transition to new fuels and modern technologies is an important part of reorganization of the Russian metallurgical industry. It will lead to positive effects in the whole economy of our state.